Paul, C., Nath, D., Tobber, L., & Benoit, M. (2024). A Review of Opportunities and Challenges for Additive Manufacturing of Steels in the Construction Industry. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials. April, 2024
Dehghani, S., Tobber, L. (2023). Implications of the 2020 National Building Code of Canada Updates on the Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Buildings. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
Hu, L., Rizvi, Z., Tobber, L., Wuttke, F. (2023). Thermal performance of three horizontal ground heat exchanger systems: comparison of linear-loop, spiral-coil and slinky-coil arrangements. Frontiers in Energy Research.
Yang T.Y., AlHarras O., Tobber, L, and Sargazi, O. (2023). Seismic Behavior and Modeling of Reinforced concrete Flat Slab-Column Connections. Computers and Concrete (Vol. 31, p. 23-32).
- C. Paul, L. Tobber, M. Benoit (2024), “Micro-spot Laser Directed Energy Deposition of 18Ni-300 Maraging Steel”, Canadian Material Science Conference (CMSC) – 2024
- Abdallah, A., Shahnewaz, M. D., Dickof, C., & Tobber, L. (2024). Production of UHPFRC nodes for timber structures in the Canadian West Coast: Lessons learned. Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE) Conference.
- Ahmadi, M., Tobber, L. (2024). Numerical study on performance of precast shear wall connection under shear-tension interaction load. World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (WCEE) 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by M. Ahmadi in June, 2024.
- Askariani, S.S., Najam, F., & Tobber, L. (2024). Evaluation of nonlinear seismic demands of low-rise cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings using simplified analysis methods. World Conference of Earthquake Engineering WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by S.S. Askariani in June, 2024.
- Dehghani, S., Eksir Monfared, A.A., Sabounchi, M., Najam, F. A., Tobber, L. (2024). The effect of damped-outrigger in mitigation of higher mode effects in shear wall tall buildings. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by S. Dehghani in June, 2024.
- Krieg, S., Rodgers, G., Xu, H., Tobber, L. (2024). Development of a novel self-centring rocking tube damper (RTD). World Conference of Earthquake Engineering WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by S. Krieg in June, 2024.
- Moghadasi, M., Ahmadi, M., Najam, F., Tobber, L. (2024). Numerical investigation on seismic performance of hybrid precast concrete wall systems. World Conference of Earthquake Engineering WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by M. Moghadasi in June, 2024.
- Najam, F.A., & Tobber, L. (2024). Controlling the seismic demands of RC core wall buildings: insights based on modal separation of responses. World Conference of Earthquake Engineering WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted). To be presented by F.A. Najam in June, 2024.
- Sabounchi, M., Dehghani, S., Najam, F.A., Tobber, L. (2023). Seismic performance evaluation of three c-shaped reinforced concrete coupled walls. WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. To be presented by M. Sabounchi in June, 2024.
- Uwamahoro, C., Büker, F., Shishido, G., & Tobber, L. (2024). Experimental Study of Grouted Dowel Connections Under Monotonic Load. WCEE 2024, Milan, Italy. (Accepted
- Abdallah, A.E., & Tobber, L. (2023). A hybrid approach to promote graduate students’ participatory learning in structural engineering courses. Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference. Kelowna, BC. Presented by A.E. Abdallah at the conference on June 21, 2023.
- Basnet, M. & Rizvi, Z. & Tobber, L. & Wuttke, Frank. (2023). Site-City interactions modelling for earthquake scenario by hybrid BEM-FEM. Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Vancouver, BC. Presented by Z. Rizvi at conference, June 2023.
- Moghadasi, M., Ahmadi, M.H., Najam, F.A., Dehghani, S., & Tobber, L. (2023). Structural parametric study on seismic response and higher mode effects mitigation of unbonded post-tensioned precast walls. Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Presented by M. Moghadasi at conference, June 2023.
- Paul, C., Nath, D., Benoit, M., & Tobber, L. (2023). “Two Eyed Seeing in Engineering Research”. AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society) Conference. Presented by C. Paul and D. Nath at conference on March, 2023.
- Uwamahoro, C., & Tobber, L. (2023). “Review of Seismic Design Provisions of Precast Concrete Shear Walls”. Canadian Conference Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2023. Presented by C Uwamahoro at conference on June, 2023.
- Uwamahoro, C., Shishido, G., Ahmadi, M.H., Abdallah, A.E., & Tobber, L. (2023). Precast design studio at the University of British Columbia (Okanagan). Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference. Presented at the conference by C. Uwamahoro and G. Shishido on June 2023.
- Amiri, A., and Tobber, L. (2023). Review and Analysis of Codes and Experimental Tests for Steel and Steel-Reinforced Coupling Beams: Advancing Canadian Design. Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2023. Presented by Amiri, A.
- Yang, T. Y., Qiao, T., Tobber, Lc., & Rodgers, G. W. (2022). Seismic performance of controlled outrigger rocking wall system with different energy dissipation devices. In Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 155, p. 107179). Elsevier BV.
- Amiri, A., Tobber, L., and Atkinson, J.C. (2022). Canadian design recommendations for diagonally reinforced coupling beams using a new comprehensive database. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) conference, 2022, Whistler, Canada. Presented at conference by A. Amiri.
- Dehghani, S., Amiri, A., and Tobber, L. (2022). Mitigation of higher mode effects in controlled rocking walls. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) conference, 2022, Whistler, Canada. Presented at conference by S. Dehghani.
- Saud, D., Tobber, L., and Alam, S. (2022). Parametric study of slender shear wall with SMA bars. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) conference, 2022, Whistler, Canada. Presented at conference by D. Saud.
- Tobber, L., Dehghani, S., and Amiri, A. (2022). Canadian seismic design recommendations of outriggers in high-rise buildings. In CSCE 2022 Annual Conference. Presented at conference by S. Dehghani.
- Tobber, L. and Yang, T.Y. (2021). Seismic design and evaluation of controlled outriggered rocking wall (CORW) using equivalent energy design procedure (EEDP). Engineering Structures, 247, 113194.
- Yang, T.Y., Banjuradja, W., Etebarian, H, Tobber, L.c (2021). Numerical modeling of welded wide flange fuses. Engineering Structures, 238, p112181.
- Yang, T.Y, Li, T., Tobber, L., Pan, X. (2020). Experimental and numerical study of honeycomb structural fuse. Engineering Structures, 204.
- Yang, T.Y., Atkinson, J.C, Tobber, L.c, P. Tung, D., Neville, B. .i (2020). Seismic design of outrigger system using equivalent energy design procedure. Structural design tall special building, 29(10).
- Yang, T.Y., Xu, H., Tobber, L. (2020). Mechanism and experimental validation of innovative self-centering conical friction damper. Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(10).
- Yang T.Y., Sheikh H, Tobber L. (2019). Influence of the Brace Configurations on the Seismic Performance of Steel Concentrically Braced Frames. Frontiers in Built Environment, 5(27).
- Yang, T.Y., Li, T., Tobber, L., and Pan, X. (2019). Experimental test of novel honeycomb structural fuse. ce/papers, 3, 451-456.
- Yang, T.Y., Li, T., Tobber, L., Pan, X. (2019). Experimental test of novel honeycomb structural fuse. Proceedings of 14th Nordic Steel Construction Conference. In The 14th Nordic Steel Construction Conference.
- Yang, T.Y., Tobber, L., Xu, H.C. (2019). Large-scale shake table testing of high-performance earthquake-resilient tall building. In Pacific Conference in Earthquake Engineering.
- Yang T.Y., Banjuradja W, Tobber L. (2018). Experimental test of Welded Wide Flange Fuses. Key Engineering Materials, 763, 414-422.
- Tobber, L., Yang, T.Y., Adebar, P. (2018). Development of High-Performance Earthquake Resilient Tall Buildings. In 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering.
- Yang, T.Y., Banjuradja, W., Tobber, L. (2018). Experimental Test of Welded Wide Flange Fuses. In Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, STESSA.
- Yang, T.Y., Sargazi, O., Tobber, L. (2017). Investigation of innovative steel concentrically braced frame connections using advanced analytical models. ce/papers, 1(2), 3148-3155.
- Yang, T.Y., Sargazi, O., Tobber, L. (2017). Investigation of innovative steel concentrically braced frame connections using advanced analytical models. In The 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures.
- Yang, T.Y., Atkinson, J.C., Tobber, L. (2015). Detailed seismic performance assessment of high-value-contents laboratory facility. Earthquake Spectra, 31(4), 2117-2135.
- McDonald, S., Gerber, A., Tobber, L., Ventura, C.E. (2015). Operational Modal Analysis of a Nine-Story Concrete Core Wall Building. In IMAC XXXIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics.
- McDonald, S., Tobber, L., Gerber, A., Ventura, C.E. (2015). Model Updating of a Nine-story Concrete Core Wall Building. In IMAC XXXIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics.
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